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Saturday, September 10, 2011


A slug on a cat food dish.
    Slugs are very closely related to snails. Slugs vary in size from less than an inch to almost 7 inches long. Terrestrial slugs, like the one above, are found in damp dirt, but this one ventured onto our porch. Some slugs will hibernate in cracks in wood or stone. Slugs are hermaphrodites, which means they are able to mate with themselves. Slugs usually lay large egg clusters with hundreds of eggs. Some slugs are carnivores, and some slugs are herbivores, but the one in the pictures ventured onto our porch and ate some cat food. Slugs have a radula, a small tissue with small teeth that helps break food into smaller pieces.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Chimney Swift

A chimney swift in a spare room
    Chimney swifts, or chimney sweeps, are small birds that usually live in chimneys, hence the name. However, they may live in small rooms such as the one above. They build small nests made of sticks and saliva, which is used as cement.
Chimney swift nests.
    Sometimes, the babies don't want to leave the nest, so the mother will tear the nest down. Even so, the babies will hang on the wall for a few days before finally leaving. Barn swallows go back to the place the place they were born every year. J&J Auto, which is where the pictures were taken, has barn swallows that come back every year. In some parts of Asia, people actually eat swallow nests.
    Swallows eat insects which they catch in the air. They make a loud "chirping" sound.